The magic of these businesses is that a customer provides their own data in exchange for receiving a more robust set of aggregated data back that provides insight into the broader marketplace, or provides a vehicle for expressing a view. 这个业务的迷人之处在于,客户通过提交自己的数据来换取更强大的数据汇总,这些数据提供的观点涉及更广阔的市场,也为客户提供了发表见解的平台。
After choosing your feature set and letting the installation wizard work its magic, you're all set to go. 在选择了特性集并让安装向导发挥作用之后,就准备开始了。
According to Zhang, his passion for doing magic helped him overcome many hurdles set by his parents, the boring practice and being a latecomer to the art of magic. 张昭龙说,对于魔术的热爱使他克服了重重困难:父母的反对,枯燥的练习以及魔术新手的苦累。
Then, instead of introducing himself, Guo performed magic. He asked a student to pick out a card from a poker set, without showing him, and he then found the right card after riffling through the pack. 随后,他并没有做自我介绍,而是表演了一个魔术。他请一位学生从一副牌中抽出一张,并向他保密,随后他重新洗牌找出那张被抽出的牌。
My niece was showing me all the tricks that she's learned to do with her new magic set. 我的侄女表演给我看她学会了的用她那套新魔术道具能变的各种戏法。
An Optimization Algorithm of Magic Set Dealing with Recursive Query in Deductive Database 演绎数据库中处理递归查询的一种改进算法
There is no magic bullet in financial policymaking, and no single reform will set things right forever. 在制定金融政策中,没有魔法棒。没有一个单独的改革可以一劳永逸。
Magic Items in this definition include Magic Items, Set Items, Unique Items and Rare Items. 在这个定义的魔术的项目包括魔术的项目,集合项目,唯一的项目和稀罕的项目。
Every profession has its own strengths and attributes, a weapon or magic specialty, and a unique set of skills with which to deal damage, manipulate the enemy or environment, or protect and heal allies. 每个职业都有自身的优势与属性,包括武器和法术,造成伤害和控制敌人环境及对盟友保护治疗的一整套技能。
Study on Magic Square Matrix Set-Up Method 奇N阶魔方方阵的构成方法研究
This paper presents a united theory of constructing a magic square and a set of efficient symbolic system. 本文给出一个构造幻方的统一(但并非包罗一切的)理论和一整套有效的符号体系。
This subject utilizes 'magic formula to set up dynamics model of automobile tire under purely work condition in chapter two, and compare with the survey result, the model error is relatively lager. 本课题在第二章中,利用魔术公式建立汽车轮胎纯工况力学模型,并将其模型输出值与试验实测值进行比较,模型误差较大。
Firstly based on 'Magic Formula' a bilinear tire model is set up to correct tire lateral forces, which are calculated from 'bicycle model' with high speed or large turning angle. 基于魔术公式建立双线性轮胎模型对高速大转角的bicyclemodel轮胎侧偏力进行修正,得到较之更准确的结果。
In this paper we make a systematic study on the theory of the edging method of constructing the n+ 2 orders magic square by the n orders magic square and give a set of valid rules and their strict proving. 对于由n阶幻方造n+2阶幻方的镶边法,从理论上进行了系统的探讨,给出了一整套行之有效的法则及其严格证明。